Prosperity and me LLC
Consulting, Strategies, Solutions & Sovereignty
Prosperity and me, what the fuck is that?
It is a measurable fact, of which, is related to the feelings evoked within you, when you read or speak the words, prosperity and me, to yourself. A feeling that one must come to terms with; a feeling that informs you where you are, in relation to the "ideal and authentic" prosperous life, of which we all desire. So, how do you feel when you say, think or read, prosperity and me?
:First and foremost, Consider status, standing and jurisdiction of I; the I AM; That; I AM; the Conscious Breath of YHWH, Providence, the Creator, within body-temple; David-Michael, of the surname, Stock; the Private living conscience individualized free spirit soul and Child Heir of Providence, the living God of nature, creator of nature’s immutable Equitable Laws; in whom and of which, respectively, I faithfully Trust;
Whereas, I Am, Posterity Beneficiary of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, Canon Trust documents for the Republic of these united States of America; of which, by my hand, in good conscience, I, hereby Invoke; Claim divine Right of dominion over My Private physical life experience and honorably stand living within jurisdiction of the Irrevocable Trust and Grace of Providence and nature's immutable Equitable Laws; Sui Juris, One of We the People, the Creators of Government, non-resident alien of, and Private living collateral Creditor for the bankruptcy reorganization of the UNITED STATES; the bankrupt foreign corporate de facto government usurper of the de jure American Republic; the Republic of which, by Duty, I therefore, Proclaim status, standing and jurisdiction thereof;
Whereas, I Am, Private living conscience individualized free spirit soul and Child Heir of Providence, born within the American Republic, bound by the Irrevocable Trust and Grace of Providence and executed through nature's immutable Equitable Laws; I therefore, do not Consent to contract with ANY AGENT, OFFICER, nor OFFICE affiliated with the bankrupt UNITED STATES, including but not limited to the color of law implied, assumed, presumed, and tacit Consensual contracts regarding the subjugated UNITED STATES CITIZEN, an ens legis and the property and obligation of the bankrupt UNITED STATES;
Whereas, I Am not an Enemy nor SUBJECT of the UNITED STATES; do not detain; I do not answer questions; END of sworn published doc: What are the Reasonable Articulable Facts?
I have no need nor desire to profit off others, I help individuals who are tired of lying to themselves; do just that, stop lying to themselves. The Truth hurts, yes; however, the Truth liberates and heals as well. You must discover who you truly are, and shed all that you are not.
I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

About Me
My name is David M. Stock, I teach the fundamental strategies that create lasting sustainable change and improvement in the lives of people who are committed to learn and apply them in their lives.
Have you noticed, how when anyone attempts to change or improve anything in their lives from dieting to any number of addictive behaviors, that only a few people succeed, while the majority are left feeling frustrated, depressed or stricken with anxiety or depressed sitting back where they started?
This only happens because 95% of the population is unaware of the fact that we as humans live 95% of our lives in a subconscious trance, hypnotized by routine, comfort, fear and survival.
I have spent the past 17 years of my sobriety teaching scientifically proven strategies, of which, I have studied and used to conquer a 10 year addiction to crack cocaine, save my home days from foreclosure, meet my beautiful wife and create the blessed life we live with our two wonderful children.
My experience is useful when teaching and consulting individuals through the process of developing these life changing strategies, of which, create lasting sustainable change and improvement in their lives.
I am also here for you, the self-studier. If you have any questions about goals, personal development, habits, the power of thought, emotional maturity, understanding subconscious mind function; or if you're going through a transition in life that you are struggling with, desire more understanding of yourself, your feelings emotions and your thoughts, please feel free to contact me. Let us find out what we can do together to get things moving in the direction of your choosing.
Within a short period of time of working together, a whole lot of commitment and effort, you begin to create happiness, feel guided and hopeful; you begin to see measurable results in your progress, inspiration and achievements. Your awareness and understanding increases; you discover direction and purpose through understanding your unique gifts, skills, talents and abilities, and how your incredible mind functions.
Call or email me so we can discover how we can get you moving towards what it is that you really want.